Mouthpiece Fit

Ensure Your Mouthpiece Fits Perfectly with These Simple Tips and Solutions.

  1. How can I check if my mouthpiece fits correctly?
  2. What should I do if I think my mouthpiece doesn’t fit?
  3. What is the best way to insert my mouthpiece?
  4. What does the Proclaim mouthpiece feel like?
  5. What is the coverage of the Proclaim mouthpiece?
  6. Will my mouthpieces still fit if I have dental work done?

How can I check if my mouthpiece fits correctly?

When you receive your custom mouthpiece, make sure you check the fit:

  1. Place your mouthpiece in your mouth. It may be helpful to wet it first, and place it into your mouth one side at a time.
  2. Bite down firmly, but without clenching. It can be subtle, but your molars should "slot" into position - there should be one position for your teeth that feels right.
  3. Make sure you can keep your mouthpiece in place without significant movement/wiggling.
  4. Note that your mouthpiece will not fit tightly against your teeth or cover them completely, nor will all of your teeth touch it.

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What should I do if I think my mouthpiece doesn’t fit?

  • If you think your mouthpiece doesn't fit, please contact Proclaim Customer Care for further evaluation.
  • Our partner practices are fully trained on how to take a Proclaim scan. However, for the best evaluation of fit and function after you get your mouthpiece, it is best if our mouthpiece engineering team reviews your issue or question - they have access to both your scans and mouthpiece design, and know exactly how the mouthpiece is supposed to fit.

What is the best way to insert my mouthpiece?

  • For a smooth experience with your mouthpiece, please consider:
    • Wetting your mouthpiece before putting it in your mouth 
    • Putting the mouthpiece into your mouth one side at a time

What does the Proclaim mouthpiece feel like?

  • Our mouthpiece does not fit like a nightguard or retainer, and may take some getting used to if you are accustomed to other products
  • When you place the mouthpiece in your mouth for the first time, it may feel a bit bulky - this is because there are 60 high-pressure jets running through it
  • The material may feel hard, but you should be able to bite down securely such that the mouthpiece doesn't wiggle around 
  • Our mouthpiece will not fit tightly against your teeth as the water needs room to flow through the jets and make its way between your teeth
  • In most mouthpieces, it is expected that your front teeth do not touch the mouthpiece, and that only some of your molars will contact the biting surface of the mouthpiece and "slot" into position. This is sufficient to keep the mouthpiece in the right place.

What is the coverage of the Proclaim mouthpiece?

  • The mouthpiece will not always reach to your gum line or cover all of your teeth fully - the jets are often angled so they can reach beyond the mouthpiece itself which helps to prevent the mouthpiece from getting too big.
  • Note that there is never a jet placed behind your last molar - if there were the mouthpiece would likely not fit in your mouth! That means that the mouthpiece may not physically cover your last molars, although there are jets directed to the spaces between your last and second-to-last molars.

Will my mouthpieces still fit if I have dental work done?

  • If there are substantial changes to your dentition, it is possible you may need another mouthpiece. Talk with your dental professional before any restorative work is done to remind them you are using Proclaim.

Please contact customer care if you are experiencing any issues with your mouthpiece.