Understanding Proclaim's Intraoral Scan Requirements

Explore the scanning process with Proclaim, where we support various intraoral scanners like 3Shape, iTero, and more.

  1. What type of intraoral scanners do you support?
  2. Is the custom mouthpiece made via PVS impression at home or by intraoral scan in office?
  3. If the scan isn't as complete as we would like, can you still create a Mouthpiece?
  4. What types of files can I upload into Proclaim Connect for mouthpiece cases?

What type of intraoral scanners do you support?

At Proclaim, we currently work with 3Shape, iTero, PrimeScan, VirtuoVivo, CareStream, and Medit scanners. Our goal is to support all scanner types, so if you have one that is not listed, please let us know.

Is the custom mouthpiece made via PVS impression at home or by intraoral scan in office?

To ensure the most accurate custom mouthpiece, we require all Proclaim users to receive a digital 3D intraoral scan with a trained dental professional within the practice. We will not be working with PVS impressions.

If the scan isn't as complete as we would like, can you still create a Mouthpiece?

This depends on where the scan is incomplete - interproximal spaces/gumlines are important, as are occlusal surfaces for keying of the Mouthpiece and proper fit. If there are some small gaps on the lingual or facial surfaces of teeth, the scanner software can typically fill these into an acceptable degree.

What types of files can I upload into Proclaim Connect for mouthpiece cases?

We only accept .STL file formats when uploading scans. The number of scan files needed may depend on the scanner type chosen on the case.